


Technological Development and Innovation Projects, Health, Disease Management


Purpose: The present study objective to develop, based on the tools of Design Thinking and Business Model Canvas, a dynamic visual resource that allows the dialogue on insights generated by all research and clinical performance to improve the management of clinical cases. Method: The double diamond model was used as a methodological approach to define the problem. From this, it was possible to define the main aggravating factors for the problem as well as the definition of the central problem. Results: As a result, nine topics have been selected as key points for success in clinical management and these topics can be customized for other clinics as they are standard in healthcare. Clinical Canvas summarizes the ideas of leaders in healthcare design to enable healthcare professionals to develop the ability to create their own laboratory or critically evaluate their performance, based on effective clinical case management, useful for strategic planning and management purposes clinical cases that traditionally exist. For qualitative and quantitative assessments carried out with caregivers, an iterative digital form will be used. Conclusion: The Clinical Canvas synthesizes insights from leaders in health design to allow healthcare professionals to develop the ability to create their own laboratory or critically evaluate their performance, based on effective clinical case management, useful for strategic purposes of planning and managing clinical cases that traditionally exists.


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Biografia do Autor

Rubens Jonatha dos Santos Ferreira

Department of speech therapy and audiology, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil.

Ana Carla Estellita Vogeley

Department of speech therapy and audiology, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil.

Ana Loísa de Lima e Silva Araújo

Department of speech therapy and audiology, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil.


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Como Citar

Jonatha dos Santos Ferreira, R., Carla Estellita Vogeley, A., & Loísa de Lima e Silva Araújo, A. (2022). CLINICAL CANVAS: A TOOL FOR CLINICAL CASE MANAGEMENT. RECISATEC - REVISTA CIENTÍFICA SAÚDE E TECNOLOGIA - ISSN 2763-8405, 2(9), e29193.

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