



Diagnosis, Orthodontics, Dental models, Asymmetry, Molar teeth, Software application


Effective diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic patients requires a number of essential ancillary tests. However, some difficulty arises when evaluating dental asymmetries in the hemiarchs of each dental arch. The correct appreciation of these asymmetries is crucial, according to several studies, for the proper final placement of the teeth in their arch at the end of the treatment. The current literature is limited in terms of methods to evaluate and diagnose alterations due to hemiarchs. The KLO method applied in digital software is useful for diagnosing sagittal and transverse asymmetries. To perform a descriptive cross-sectional study of digital models in STL format through the KLO method and its applicability in digital software, in order to identify the presence of dental alterations and asymmetries; to collect the information, key terms such as: Diagnosis; orthodontics; dental models; asymmetry; molar teeth; Software Application were used. To obtain the results, information was collected from 20 digital models in a Google Drive database, which are part of this study. Seventy-five percent (n=15) of the students presented dental asymmetry, while 25% (n=5) presented dental symmetry. A proper diagnosis is essential to identify dental asymmetries. The KLO method and its application in a digital software allows to identify a dental asymmetry in a simpler way, besides allowing to store the information in a computer.


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Biografia do Autor

Mariam Gabriela Portocarrero Miranda

Dentistry student at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Manuel Estuardo Bravo Calderón

Tutor professor Faculty of Dentistry, University of Cuenca, PhD in Orthodontics, Chairman Posgraduate
Orthodontics (Dentistry), Ecuador.

Kelly Tatiana Malla Bernal

Dentistry student at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Gianella Fernanda Malla Domínguez

Dentistry student at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Nathaly Adriana González Rodríguez

Dentistry student at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Yuliana Elizabeth Paladinez Carrión

Dentistry student at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.


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Como Citar

Portocarrero Miranda, M. G., Bravo Calderón, M. E., Malla Bernal, K. T., Malla Domínguez, G. F., González Rodríguez, N. A., & Paladinez Carrión, Y. E. (2024). DIAGNOSIS OF SAGITTAL AND TRANSVERSAL ASYMMETRY IN DIGITAL ORTHODONTIC STUDY MODELS OF A STUDENT POPULATION BY THE KLO METHOD APPLIED IN DIGITAL SOFTWARE. RECISATEC - REVISTA CIENTÍFICA SAÚDE E TECNOLOGIA - ISSN 2763-8405, 4(1), e41336. https://doi.org/10.47820/recisatec.v4i1.336

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