About the Journal

About the Journal

It is with great pleasure that we present RECISATEC, a scientific journal focused on the areas of health and technology. RECISATEC is committed to promoting the dissemination of information and knowledge to all those who believe that education is the main tool for transforming society.

As a scientific platform, the journal offers a reliable environment for researchers and technicians to submit their work, guaranteeing democratic access to content. Sharing information enriches our understanding of a society in constant transformation, recognizing the fluidity of our context and strengthening our humanity.

Originating from a project by university professors, RECISATEC aims to reflect the excellence of scientific work, with an editorial and scientific staff that is equal to the research submitted. Although it is an independent initiative, managed by its editors-in-chief, we strictly follow our Mission and Regulations, which are published for consultation.

Launched in 2021, RECISATEC's vision is to become a landmark among online scientific journals. Although it does not yet have a Qualis classification, it is already registered on the Sucupira platform, awaiting evaluation for the last four-year period.

In essence, RECISATEC is dedicated to promoting social, political and economic development through the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge in various fields of health, with monthly publications in continuous flow.

Health Sciences

Papers related to the various health sciences and technology focused on health are accepted.

Review Articles

Review articles of the various areas of Health and technologies focused on the health area are accepted.


Reviews of books from the various areas of Health and technologies focused on the health area are accepted.

Book chapters

Interviews and Scientific Reports


Course Completion Papers/Reports/Research

The evaluation of the articles is performed by the Double Blind Review method, where each manuscript is evaluated by two external ad hoc reviewers who are part of the journal's editorial board, chosen for their areas of knowledge. After submission, the article is evaluated by the reviewers, who analyze and suggest corrections when necessary. The editor makes the final analysis and decides by refusing or accepting the article, always following the opinions of the expert-evaluators. After the editor's analysis, the article is returned to the authors to make the improvements suggested by the reviewers, when any. Finally, the author sends the final version of the manuscript, with the respective report of the similarity detection software (possibly copyspider). The evaluation is blind, without identification of authors and ad hoc reviewers. 

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

There is a publishing fee, directed to the costs and investments in the magazine, which is only to cover the costs of the publication, and the quality that the magazine will always maintain.

The journal is dedicated to complying with good practices with regard to moral conduct consistent with the scientific publishing of journals. The journal follows the guidelines of COPE - Ethics Committee in Publications, with regard to ethics in the publication of scientific papers. The prevention of negligence is also the responsibility of the author, editor and editorial team: any form of unethical behavior, as well as plagiarism in any instance, is not accepted. The authors who submit articles to the journal ensure that the work has not been published or is in the process of being reviewed/evaluated in any other journal. Research with human beings conducted in Brazil must present approval from the Ethics Committee at the time of submission (CEP).

A synthesis of our MISSION

The Scientific Journal Health and Technology RECISATEC is a scientific publication focused on promoting social, scientific and technological development through the publication of discoveries that have occurred in different areas of health. It is a monthly continuous flow journal. It publishes several types of manuscript, such as scientific articles, reviews and CCPs in the various areas of health knowledge and technology.

Ethics and Good Practices in Publishing

RECISATEC has scientific arbitration, whose objective is to ensure ethical standards. We seek the agreement of those involved in the editorial process who are the Editors, Editorial Board, Ad hoc Evaluators and Authors in relation to good practices and ethical behavior. Our reference is the Code of Conduct and Standards of Good Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) that require to:


  • Ensure the maintenance of good editorial practices
  • Analyze the submitted articles and approve those that are in the scope of the journal
  • Ensure the protection of the identity of the authors and evaluators involved in the evaluation process
  • Ensure and protect the intellectual property and rights of authors.
  • Ensure an anonymous double-blind peer review in the fairest and most impartial manner possible
  • Guide Guest Editors, Authors and Evaluators on the editorial flow and the peer arbitration process, which involves compliance with the journal's guidelines, submission, evaluation and referrals
  • Ensure that materials not published in an article are not used in research and publications conducted by Editors or members of the Editorial Board without the author's opinion.
  • Answer questions related to a published article, referring to the possibility of editorial misconduct, following cope.
  • Publish, when necessary, corrections, clarifications, withdrawals and apologies. 

Evaluators or Reviewers:

  • Inform Editors of their availability to evaluate an article
  • Decline an invitation whenever you do not feel qualified to perform the evaluation according to the theme addressed; the identification of aspects that lead to the recognize of authorship; and/or if there is a conflict of interest
  • Treat manuscripts as confideable documents, protecting intellectual property and authors' rights, maintaining confidentiality over information and committing not to use inside information for their own benefit, including in their research and/or publications
  • Prepare the opinion based on good editorial practices with regard to ethics, impersonality and respect for human rights
  • Inform Publishers of any identification of violations of good practices, rights by authors and/or practices of plagiarism


  • It is the authors' obligation to know the focus, scope and conception of the journal, as well as the guidelines for submission
  • Ensure that the submitted article is original and when it comes to expansion of work published in scientific event editorials, ensure consistent approach and significant analysis
  • Elaborate the article based on good practices: in research and/or systematic study carried out, addressing and problematizing the data coherently and presenting contributions to the field of health
  • It is the authors' obligation not to submit the article simultaneously to another journal
  • To look at the standards of the Research Ethics Committee of the institution that is linked to the research portrayed in the article, when it comes to the involvement of human beings
  • Ensure that there are no expressions or inserts that configure plagiarism, as well as give credit by quoting the sources of excerpts from other productions
  • Ensure and ensure that the article has not been published in another journal and when it comes to the translation of an international publication, such information should appear on the first page of the journal

Peer Review Process

The evaluation of manuscripts of the RECISATEC is done by peers, by the Double Blind Review method, where each manuscript is evaluated by two external ad hoc reviewers, selected by specialty or affinity in relation to the thematic content of the manuscript under consideration.

After submission, the manuscript is evaluated by the ad hoc reviewers, who analyze, suggest corrections and improvements. Then, the editor who resolves the cases of controversy analyzes the opinions and decides on the refusal or acceptance of the manuscript.

After the editor's analysis, the manuscript is returned to the authors for the suggested improvements.

The evaluation is blind, without identification of the authors and reviewers.

Free Access Policy

RECISATEC offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available free of charge to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. RECISATEC serves the interests of authors and readers, always following the guidelines of The Open Journal Systems, COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics, partner indexers and the journal regulations published on the website. The journal meets the definitions of DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals open access.


This magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among the participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration..


RECISATEC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


DOI suffix: 10.47820

Responsible journalist 40,728/SP

Legal Dept. Dr. Bruno Magera OAB/SP 358637

Librarian responsible CRB 82,823

RECISATEC Magazine is a production and responsibility of RECIMA21 - REVISTA CIENTÍFICA MULTIDISCIPLINAR LTDA - CNPJ 40.166.538/0001-95

Tel. WhatsApp (11) 915557389   +55 (11) 915557389

History of RECISATEC Magazine

The journal was born from a project of three university professors who aimed to create a place that would be the mirror of scientific works and present an editorial and scientific body at the height of the quality of the papers presented. It is an independent production, directed by its editors-in-chief (responsible for its management), editorial board and scientific council, following its Mission and its Regulation approved and published in this space. Its main scope is to meet the demands of the academy and to the market, making both flow together to meet the needs of human beings. Thus, RECISATEC was born with the purpose of becoming a reference in scientific journals published electronically over the Internet, starting in 2021.