Editorial Team

Editorial Team


Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição Ph.D - Economist at PUC- Campinas. MBA in Marketing from ESAMC, Sorocaba. Master's degree in Administration from UNG - Guarulhos. Master's degree in Sociology from PUC - São Paulo. PhD in Sociology from PUC - São Paulo. PhD in Philosophy of Administration from FCU - USA, diploma Recognized in Brazil from UNAMA University, Pará. Post-Doctor Unicamp - Campinas. Post Doctor FCU - USA. Post-Doctor University of Coimbra- Portugal. Journalist and Writer. Mec/INEP evaluator, for 16 years. Pro Rector of the Guarulhos University, SP. Researcher of the group of scientists of the Center for Functional Ecology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Researcher at Universidade Paulista, UNIP. Professor of the Geoenvironmental Master's Program at Guarulhos University. Editor-in-chief of RECIMA21. Lattes Curriculum

Prof. Esp. Edson Roberto Berbel - Bachelor of Languages from the Faculty of Philosophy Sciences and Languages Farias Brito, now UNG University and post-graduate (lato sensu) in English language from UNG University. Professor of English Language from 1997 to 2001 by the Educational Institution CCAA - Anglo American Cultural Center in agreement with UNG University. From 2001 to 2008 Professor of English Language at the Guarulhense Center for Language Teaching (company related to UNG University). From 2009 he assumed the position of Reviewer and Coordinator of Institutional Publishing of the Electronic Scientific Journals of UNG University and teaches classes in English Language, Portuguese Language, Legal Portuguese and Hermeneutics and Legal Argumentation for the Courses of Languages, Design, Tourism, Biological Sciences, Journalism and Law. Currently, he is also one of the editors-in-chief of Recima21 – Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal. Lattes Curriculum

Profa. Ma. Joelma Telesi Pacheco Conceição - Technologist in People Management, Specialist in People Management, Specialist in Didactics and Methodology of Higher Education and Master's degree in Administration by Unifaccamp. Evaluator of MEC/INEP.

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Luiz Eduardo Nunes Ferreira – Unicamp. http://lattes.cnpq.br/4996913646551644

Prof. Dr. Jacinto Benhadi Marín, PhD -Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB) - Portugal 

Prof. Dr. Fabricio Bau Dalmas - Universidade Guarulhos - UNG

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Shitsuka – Universidade Federal de Itajubá - UNIFEI

Prof. Dr. José Alberto Coraiola – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFP

Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Vieira da Silva – Universidade Estácio de BH - Minas Gerais

Prof. Dr. Lair da Silva Loureiro Filho – USP - EPM

Prof. Dr. Tiago Brandão - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal

Prof. Dr. Hélio D. Pereira da Silva - Universidade Guarulhos UNG

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Dourado Sales - Faccamp

Profa. Dra. Simone Lysakowski - UFCSPA

Profa. Dra. Bianca Magnelli Mangiavacchi - FAMESC

Profa. Dra. Cíntia Gonçalves da Silva - Instituto Federal de São Paulo

Profa. Dra. Leila Marcia Elias - Universidade Federal da Pará UFPA

Profa. Dra. Rosilda Maria Alves -UFPI Instituto Federal Piauí

Profa. Dra. Maria Sônia Silva Oliveira Veloso - UFRR         

Prof. Dr. Juarez Ramos da Silva - Universidade Católica de Santos

Prof. Ms. Eduardo Mauch Palmeira - Unipampa 

Prof. Ms. Alvaro Mauricio Pilares Vera - Unigranrio RJ

Profa. Dra. Noêmia Lazzareschi - PUC, SP

Profa. Dra. Priscila Bernardo Martins - Univ. Cidade de São Paulo, SP 

Profa. Dra. Raquel da Silva Pereira - USCS, SP

Prof. Dr. Pedro Paulo Corrêa Santana - UFF, RJ 

Prof. Ms. Marcos Roberto Pires Gregolin, UFSM, RS

Profa. Dra. Leila Rubinsztajn Direzenchi - FAPI, PR

Profa. Dra. Rita de Cássia Borges M. Amaral - UFRJ

Prof. Dr. Renato Jaqueto Goes - UNESP, SP

Profa. Dra. Raquel Vilanova Araújo - UNIFSA, PI

Prof. Ms. Diogo Bonioli Alves Pereira, UniLassalle , RJ

Profa. Ma. Scheila Farias de Paiva, UFS

Prof. Dr. Luís Antônio Monteiro Campos, UFRJ

Profa. Dra. Angela Maria Bittencourt Fernandes da Silva IFRJ

Profa. Dra. Helena Lúcia Ferreira UFPA, PA

Profa. Dra. Luma Carolina Câmara Gradim, UFTM, MG

Board - Reviewers/Referees of Articles

Ms. Evandro Ferigato – Centro Universitário UniFaccamp

Prof. Ms. Djalma Donizete Clariano da Silva   - Centro Universitário UniFaccamp

Profa. Dra. Sonia Sueli Berti – Centro Universitário UniFaccamp

Prof. Ms. Aldo Batista dos Santos Jr. – Uniso - Sorocaba

Prof. Dr. Marcos Oliveira Athayde – UniCesumar

Prof. Dr. Tailson Pires Costa – Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo

Prof. Ms. Laerte Zotte - Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo - FATEC

Profa. Ma. Sheyla Mara Coraiola – PUC Paraná

Profa. Ma. Francine Delfino Gomes – Universidade Guarulhos – UNG

Prof. Me. Paulo Chanan – Unama Universidade da Amazônia

Profa. Ma. Nayane Soares de Lima - UFG

Profa. Dra. Maria de Fátima da Costa Lippo Acioli – UMJ

Prof. Me. Fabio Richard Flausino – UNINOVE

Prof. Dr. Márcio Alexandre do Nascimento Chagas – UNG

Profa. Ma. Jussara Goulart da Silva - UFU

Profa. Ma. Caroline Christine Pincela da Costa – UFG

Profa. Dra. Ana Maria Paim Camardelo – PUCRS

Prof. Dr. Vagner Camarini Alves – UOP

Profa. Dra. Suzana Medeiros Batista Amorim – Universidade Estácio de Sá

Prof. Me. William Junio do Carmo - IFTM

Prof. Me. Julio César Coelho do Nascimento – PPGAAS – UFG

Prof. Dr. Jucelio Kulmann de Medeiros – UFRS

Profa. Ma. Aline Graziele Godoy Duarte – FMB

Prof. Dr. Diogo Pereira da Silva

Prof. Dr. Claudemir da Silva Paula – UNIR – Universidade Federal de Rondônia

Profa. Dra. Ana Carla Raphaelli Nahás Scocate - UNG

Prof. Me. Eduardo Manuel Bartalini Gallego – USF

Prof. Esp. Eder Carlos Salazar Sotto – FATEC

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Dourado Sales - Faccamp

Prof. Ms. Gerson de Freitas Jrs. - FATEC e do Centre For Functional  Ecology - Universidade de Coimbra,   Portugal

Profa. Ma. Litiane Motta M. Araujo - UNIGRANRIO - Rio de Janeiro

Profa. Ma. Patrícia Pereira Castro - FUCAPE

Profa. Ma. Aline Schneiders Martins Dalpian - Unicamp

Profa. Dra. Maria de Fátima da Costa Lippo Acioli - Centro Universitário M.P.J. 

Profa. Dra. Jacqueline Oliveira Lima  Goulart - UFU - Uberlândia 

Profa. Dra. Maria Fani Scheibel - FURG/RS

Profa. Dra. Maria Sônia Silva Oliveira Veloso - UFRR Roraima 

Profa. Dra. Joseane Balan da Silva - FATEB

Prof. Esp. Osires de Medeiros Melo Neto - UFCG Campina Grande

Prof. Ms. José Antonio da Silva -  Univers. Vassouras, SP

Prof. Esp. Dr. Bruno Magera Conceição - Faccamp, SP

Profa. Dra. Priscila Bernardo Martins - Univ. Cidade de São Paulo, SP

Prof. Esp. Adriano Mello de Andrade, FUCAPE, RJ

Prof. Esp. Adriano Mello de Andrade - FUCAPE, RJ

Profa. Esp. Fabianna Tavares Yatti CEDERG, RJ

Prof. Ms. Flavio Heleno Solano Reis, EGPA, PA

Prof. Dr. Adelcio Machado dos Santos, UFSC

Profa. Dra. Helena Lúcia Ferreira UFPA, PA

Prof. Esp. Edicarlos Pereira dos Santos, FUNIP, MG

Prof. Ms. Ruben Jonatha dos Santos Ferreira UFPB

Profa. Dra. Elba Gomes Dos Santos Leal IFBA

Profa. Ma. Vilmara Mendes Gonring UFES

Prof. Ms. Samuel Miranda Mattos, UECE

Prof. Ms. Jonas Magno dos Santos Cesário, Uninove

Prof. Ms. Victor Hugo De Paula Flauzino Unyleya

Profa. Esp. Denise Ap. G. Schwartz. UNESVI, PR

Profa. Dra. Joana Darc de Souza Lopes, UK Argentina

Profa. Dra. Luma Carolina Câmara Gradim, UFTM, MG



He or she performs the management of the receipt, the organization and systematization of the processes of selection and arbitration of the texts received. Also mediates between the activities of the spheres of political-institutional management and those of evaluation of scientific production, based on the decisions of the editorial committee and the editor-in-chief, as immediate responsible for the quality of the content to be published. He or she is directly responsible for the political and institutional direction of the publication, as a means of disseminating knowledge in the area in which it is located, and coordinates its editorial activities, the management of economic sustainability, as well as the dissemination of the journal.

Editorial Council

Composed of professionals of notorious capacity, national, and international recognition, in the areas of the editorial line of the journal. It has consultative function and can be called to give opinion on material submitted for publication, give suggestions in the editorial line of the journal and also suggest thematic issues.

Scientific Council and Reviewers/Reviewers

Of recognized capacity for evaluation in some thematic area of the journal, they are responsible for the analysis of all texts submitted for publication. The material submitted for publication will be sent to two reviewers of an area related to the material under analysis and recognized capacity for evaluation. The minimum criteria for the issuance of a positive opinion are: a) the originality of the contribution and the agreement with the scope of the journal; b) the appropriate and valid methodology; (c) the rigorous analysis of the results and conclusions supported by the data submitted; d) the correct use of the Portuguese language; e) compliance with the ethical criteria of experimentation and integrity in research. Anonymity is guaranteed to the reviewer.