


Polymorphism, Gene, Genetics, Molecular Biology, STR, VNTR, Microssatelites, Minissatelites


DNA analysis is a primary study in molecular biology, not only for understanding the central basis of life, but also as an aid in the investigation of possible anomalies harmful to human health. Its importance in molecular diagnosis has become expressive and reaches, in the current panorama, several areas. The idea of polymorphism and its help in the academic and scientific field for the research and practice of molecular media are included within this analysis, which use the concept of dna comparison with the help of techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), electrophoresis and polymorphism in the length of restriction fragments (RFLP). The aim of this systematic review is to emphasize the importance of genetic polymorphism in molecular biology, as well as to discuss its main types and its contribution to the results of tests. The study is a systematic review, in which several studies published in journals, databases and academic bibliographies during the last two decades were analyzed and evaluated. In order to select the studies of greater scientific evidence, favoring the construction of a concise and objective definition about the gene and its polymorphic possibilities.


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Author Biographies

Ana Lívia da Silva Fonsêca

Universidade Potiguar

Maria Clara Costa da Rocha

Universidade Potiguar

Rutineia de Sousa

Universidade Potiguar

Antoniel de Oliveira Soares

Universidade Potiguar

Amanna Raquel Cunha de Almeida

Universidade Potiguar

Emanuelle Gardênia Penha de Freitas

Universidade Potiguar


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How to Cite

da Silva Fonsêca, A. L., Costa da Rocha, M. C., de Sousa, R., de Oliveira Soares, A., Raquel Cunha de Almeida, A., & Gardênia Penha de Freitas, E. . (2022). GENETICS AND POLYMORPHISM: An APPROACH ON MINISATELITES AND MICROSATELITES AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION. RECISATEC - SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY, 2(5), e25136.

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