present study seeks to contribute to the constructionAbstract
The present study seeks to contribute to the construction of parameters to centralize and present in a unified way the methods of use of Legal Radiological Sciences for the purposes of legal use for the benefit of the whole society, improving the resources of radiological technology in the use of Medical Radiology. Therefore, an exploratory literature review was carried out using the PubMed database. In order to achieve the proposed object, it was decided to develop an exploratory study with a qualitative approach based on the precepts of Legal Radiological Sciences. The reflections, so far, allow the following inferences: a) the fields object of expertise have their limits in the joint reading between Law nº 7.394 / 85 and Resolution nº 2/2012 - CONTER; b) the need to create a technical and standardized framework for the training and specialization of technicians and technologists in medical radiology within the scope of Legal Radiological Sciences. However, the emergence of new scientific works, questioning and systematizing expert assignments will open up new job opportunities and sub-branches of expert activity in radiology.
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