
  • Beatriz Beca Figueiredo
  • Francisco Ignácio Giocondo Cesar




3D Printer, Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printer Applications


With the advent of industry 4.0 that has made new technologies available for the most diverse areas, such as 3D printer. Prototyping is a tool used in engineering, among many others, to mitigate errors and optimize processes, which has many resources and technologies, among which is prototyping by 3D printing, which is a process through the addition of material. This technology has developed in an accelerated way in recent years, after the fall of patents and the development of new technologies and materials. This article aims to study the use of 3D printer in the areas, engineering, medicine and the technologies involved. Based on an exploratory bibliographic research, in the following databases, google academic and web of Science, in articles published from 2010 on the subject addressed here. It is expected that from this research, a greater knowledge about the 3D printer and technologies involved will be obtained.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Beca Figueiredo

Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, Campus Piracicaba

Francisco Ignácio Giocondo Cesar

Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, Campus Piracicaba


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How to Cite

Beca Figueiredo, B., & Ignácio Giocondo Cesar, F. (2022). A STUDY OF THE USE OF 3D PRINTER IN ENGINEERING AND MEDICINE. RECISATEC - SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY, 2(1), e2170. https://doi.org/10.53612/recisatec.v2i1.70

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