emergence of human immunodeficiencyAbstract
Since the emergence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), with the consequent development of the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in the 1980s, the identification of the infection has been a milestone for science, being considered a public health problem. Currently, about 920 thousand people live with HIV/AIDS in Brazil and, in the micro-region of Varginha, with an population of 478 thousand inhabitants, between 2010 and 2020, 510 people were diagnosed with HIV and 533 with AIDS. Consequently, the increase in spending by the unified health system with medicines for treatment and expansion of patient survival was extremely remarkable, however information such as these presented great difficulties and barriers to be obtained, given the scarcity and bureaucratization of the same in the information systems. Thus, the present article investigate the difficulties encountered in obtaining financial and epidemiological data related to HIV/AIDS in the Varginha micro-region, in the last 10 years. The importance of understanding the infection at its beginning is essential for diagnosis, since it allows alternative therapeutic decisions to be made, avoiding exacerbated viral replication, mitigating the AIDS pathology picture and its subsequent systemic damage to the body, which promote greater expenses for the public agencies. Therefore, the epidemiological study of in the micro-region of Varginha is of great importance, as it can assist in the development of effective programs to control the infection by government officials, in addition to contributing to the control and awareness of vulnerable populations, bringing benefits to the public health in the region.
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